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Acme Supermarket 

The Trolley Square - Acme Supermarket, urban heat island and stormwater demonstration project revitalized an urban space. The resulting green space design removed and replaced sections of the supermarket parking lot.  Trees and vegetation were planted in bioswales to mitigate urban heat island effects. Stormwater techniques included bioretention and subsurface infiltration tree trench, capturing over 1 million gallons of stormwater annually, reducing flooding and resulting in a reduced stormwater tax. 


Wilmington, DE


Acme Supermarket



City of Wilmington

State of Delaware



Built 2010

Project Team

Delaware Center for Horticulture

Meloria Design

All Seasons Landscaping

Key Team Members

Chris Canning

Gary Schwetz

Michele Adams

Steve Gantz


Images courtesy of Meloria Design

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